sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009


The more/the more

** The more I study English The more I understand it.

**The more I play soccer the more I want to play.

**The more she hates me the more I love her.

**The more I pray the more ghost I see.

@@Como podemos notar o primeiro "the more" significa " o quanto mais". E o segundo significa "mais". O exercício abaixo irá ajudá-los a fixar melhor essa gramática. É só seguir o exemplo:

** I go to the mall/ I buy what I don't need

@@The more I go to the mall the more I buy what I don't need.

**She needs me/ I want to help her


**I watch tv/ I waste my time


**I give to her/ she wants to get



The less/The less

**Agora é o inverso, quanto menos, menos. Vamos continuar praticando:

1- I study / I understand.

2- She buys/ she owes

3-You ask/I answer

**Podemos também misturar "the less/ the more ou vice and versa. Observe:

@@The more you say that you love me , the less I believe in you.

@@The less I watch , the more I play video game.

2 comentários:

  1. Brune: The more she needs me, the more want to help her.
    Quanto mais ela precisa de mim, mais eu quero ajuda-la.

  2. Hello Dear, I would like to say thanks, your blog helped me today...and just for adding one more example, there's a beautiful song from Michael Bublé that say: The more I see you, The more I want you,,, Somehow this feeling, just grows and grows...

    See ya!! Damis Jolie
